Revision as of 05:56, 6 October 2020 by Neumoeglich (talk | contribs)
- Federal Highway Administration, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Additional Nondiscrimination Requirements [1]
- Browse this website, including its four categories on the left (Overview and Authorities, Guidance, Technical Assistance, and Case Decisions)
- Review at least one of the presentations and at least one of the case decisions
- Albert Huang, The 20th Anniversary of President Clinton's Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice (2014) [2]
- Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President, A Citizen's Guide to the NEPA (2007) [3]
- Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, Executive Order 12898 (1994) [4]
- US Department of Transportation, Environmental Justice Strategy (2016) [5]
- Federal Highway Administration, Environmental Justice Reference Guide (2015) [6]
- Federal Highway Administration, EJ Publications [7]
- Browse this website
- Review at least one of the publications
- David Slade, Widening Highway 41 would take family land in Phillips, but owners could go unpaid [8]
- Highway 41 Corridor Improvements, Resources & FAQs [9]
- Browse this website
- Check out the most recent presentation for some wacky intersection designs [10]
- Find another ongoing transportation project of interest to you, review some of the documentation, note any environmental justice analysis, and prepare a three-minute presentation
- US Department of Homeland Security, Environmental Justice Strategy [11]
- Read the draft strategy
- COMPARE TO #####
- Draft a comment
- Justin Worland, Why the Larger Climate Movement Is Finally Embracing the Fight Against Environmental Racism (2020) [12]
- SueEllen Campbell, The links between racism and climate change (2020) [13]