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== Class 03: Land Use, Education, and Transportation ==
== Class 03: Land Use, Education, and Transportation ==
# Stephen DeBerry, Why the "wrong side of the tracks" is usually the east side of cities (2018), https://youtu.be/MehKgIcoj6o
# "The Color of Law" Details How U.S. Housing Policies Created Segregation, NPR (2017), https://www.npr.org/2017/05/17/528822128/the-color-of-law-details-how-u-s-housing-policies-created-segregation
## I recommend the full book, which is available at https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991006398129705618
# Mapping Inequality, Redlining in Columbia, https://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/redlining/#loc=14/34.003/-81.045&city=columbia-sc
## This site also includes redlined maps for many other communities. Can you find your hometown?
# Robert D. Bullard, Glenn S. Johnson, and Angel O. Torres, Dismantling Transportation Apartheid in the United States Before and After Disasters Strike, ABA Human Rights Magazine (2007), https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/human_rights_vol34_2007/summer2007/hr_summer07_bujoto/
# U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee, Zoned Out: How School and Residential Zoning Limit Education Opportunity (2019), https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/republicans/2019/11/zoned-out-how-school-and-residential-zoning-limit-educational-opportunity (the appendices are optional)
== Class 04: Metropolitan Travel ==
== Class 04: Metropolitan Travel ==
== Class 05: School Travel ==
== Class 05: School Travel ==

Revision as of 07:57, 23 August 2020

Class 01: Introduction to Transportation Law

  1. Syllabus (posted on Blackboard)
  2. Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), https://cite.case.law/us/163/537

Class 02: Interstate Travel

  1. Nomination of J. Monroe Johnson to be an Interstate Commerce Commissioner (1949), https://books.google.com/books?id=uyoTAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA0 (through printed page 9)
  2. Keys v. Carolina Coach Co., Interstate Commerce Commission, No. MC-C-1564, 64 M.C.C. 769 (1955), https://books.google.com/books?id=ZfMjAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA405
  3. NAACP v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co., Interstate Commerce Commission, No. 297 I.C.C. 335 (1955), https://books.google.com/books?id=ZfMjAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA408
  4. T. Anthony Bell, The quietly defiant, unlikely fighter: Pfc. Sarah Keys and the fight for justice and humanity (2014), https://www.army.mil/article/120456/The_quietly_defiant__unlikely_fighter___Pfc__Sarah_Keys_and_the_fight_for_justice_and_humanity
  5. Katie McCabe, Making History in a Segregated Washington: Dovey Johnson Roundtree and Her 45-year Fight for Justice (2011), https://members.badc.org/files/journal/JBADC2011.pdf (printed pages 67 - 97)
  6. The Freedom Riders Reunite 50 Years Later, The Oprah Winfrey Show (2011), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBfuzj43ku4 (41 minutes)
    1. Note: The PBS documentary referenced in this video is The Freedom Riders, PBS American Experience (2011), https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/freedomriders
  7. Regulations Governing Discrimination in Operations of Interstate Motor Common Carriers of Passengers, Interstate Commerce Commission, 26 Federal Register 9166 (September 29, 1961), https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-1961-09-29/pdf/FR-1961-09-29.pdf (PDF page 14)
  8. United States v. City of Jackson, 318 F.2d 1 (5th Cir. 1963), https://cite.case.law/f2d/318/1/
  9. The Green Book: Guide to Freedom, Smithsonian Channel (2020), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjAppLwDm6U (51 minutes)
    1. Note: You can view actual green books at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections/the-green-book, explore local sites at https://www.historiccolumbia.org/GreenBook, and learn about the search for one at https://www.historiccolumbia.org/blog/searching-motel-simbeth
  10. Civil Rights Timeline, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/civil-rights-act/legal-events-timeline.html (current through 2014)
  11. Supreme Court cases
    1. Students with last names A - C: Mitchell v. United States, 313 U.S. 80 (1941), https://cite.case.law/us/313/80/
    2. Students with last names D - L: Morgan v. Virginia, 328 U.S. 373 (1946), https://cite.case.law/us/328/373/
    3. Students with last names M - Re: Henderson v. United States, 339 US. 816 (1950), https://cite.case.law/us/339/816/
    4. Students with last names Rh - Z: Boynton v. Virginia, 364 U.S. 454 (1960), https://cite.case.law/us/364/454/

Class 03: Land Use, Education, and Transportation

  1. Stephen DeBerry, Why the "wrong side of the tracks" is usually the east side of cities (2018), https://youtu.be/MehKgIcoj6o
  2. "The Color of Law" Details How U.S. Housing Policies Created Segregation, NPR (2017), https://www.npr.org/2017/05/17/528822128/the-color-of-law-details-how-u-s-housing-policies-created-segregation
    1. I recommend the full book, which is available at https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991006398129705618
  3. Mapping Inequality, Redlining in Columbia, https://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/redlining/#loc=14/34.003/-81.045&city=columbia-sc
    1. This site also includes redlined maps for many other communities. Can you find your hometown?

  1. Robert D. Bullard, Glenn S. Johnson, and Angel O. Torres, Dismantling Transportation Apartheid in the United States Before and After Disasters Strike, ABA Human Rights Magazine (2007), https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/human_rights_vol34_2007/summer2007/hr_summer07_bujoto/
  2. U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee, Zoned Out: How School and Residential Zoning Limit Education Opportunity (2019), https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/republicans/2019/11/zoned-out-how-school-and-residential-zoning-limit-educational-opportunity (the appendices are optional)

Class 04: Metropolitan Travel

Class 05: School Travel

Class 06: Traffic Enforcement

Class 07: Local Travel

Class 08: Environmental Justice

Class 09: Transtribal Transportation

Class 10: International Movement

Class 11: Reflections and Solutions

Class 12: Special Topics in Transportation Law I

Class 13: Special Topics in Transportation Law II


Special thanks to Katherine Allen at Historic Columbia (https://www.historiccolumbia.org) for her expertise, research, and materials