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From NewlyPossible.org
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Subject to change
Because you and your colleagues will largely determine the direction (and the success) of this course, this schedule is nascent and tentative. [[PSI syllabus|See the syllabus]]. Each assignment must be completed '''prior to''' the class for which it is assigned.
== January 19th: Class 1  ==
== January 19th: Class 1  ==
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
# Read [https://pclive.peacecorps.gov/pclive/index.php/pclive-resources/resource-library/2325-small-grants-program-me-resources-for-small-grants/file Peace Corps Theory of Change and Logic Model].
# Prepare a two-minute talk introducing us to something (anything!) interesting or important from or about your discipline that others might not know.
# Read [https://newlypossible.org/courses/PeaceCorpsTheoryofChangeModel.pdf Peace Corps Theory of Change Model].
# Read [https://publichealth.gsu.edu/files/2020/07/Questions-Using-Blooms-Taxonomy-Key.pdf Questions for the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy].
# Read [https://publichealth.gsu.edu/files/2020/07/Questions-Using-Blooms-Taxonomy-Key.pdf Questions for the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy].
# Read the [[PSI syllabus|syllabus]].
# Read the [[PSI syllabus|syllabus]].
# Read [https://ssrn.com/abstract=2749375 How Governments Can Promote Automated Driving], New Mex. L. Rev. (2016) ''(part III only)''.
# Read [https://ssrn.com/abstract=2749375 How Governments Can Promote Automated Driving], New Mex. L. Rev. (2016) ''(part III only)''.
# Read [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3747036 How Reporters Can Evaluate Automated Driving Announcements], 2020 Journal of Law and Mobility 1 (2020).
# Read [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3747036 How Reporters Can Evaluate Automated Driving Announcements], 2020 Journal of Law and Mobility 1 (2020).
# Watch .....
# Read [[Ideal enforcement|this substantive introduction to our course topic]]. This introductory draft is merely a cursory overview intended to ground your research and spark your thinking. (You should of course cite your sources.)
# Prepare a two-minute talk introducing us to something interesting or important from or about your discipline that others might not know.
# Use [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/37063 NameCoach] on Canvas to record your name, provide a phonetic spelling, and indicate (in brackets after the phonetic spelling) your pronouns.
# Use [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/37063 NameCoach] on Canvas to record your name, provide a phonetic spelling, and indicate (in brackets after the phonetic spelling) your pronouns.
# Read the biographies of your colleagues that will be provided shortly before our first class.
# Read the [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/pages/connected-and-automated-vehicles-implications-for-enforcement biographies of your colleagues] on Canvas.
## For each of your colleagues, prepare a unique question you could ask to learn something meaningful about them.
## For each of your colleagues, identify a unique question you could ask to learn something meaningful about them.
## Prepare question that someone could ask you to learn something meaningful about you?
## Identify a question that someone could ask you to learn something meaningful about you.
== January 26th: Class 2 ==
== January 26th: Class 2 ==
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# Watch this [https://support.mural.co/en/articles/2113687-introduction-to-mural-live-demo one-hour Mural training video].
# Watch this [https://support.mural.co/en/articles/2113687-introduction-to-mural-live-demo one-hour Mural training video].
# Read the [https://umich.instructure.com/files/23708233/download?download_frd=1 Interviewing for Insights] on Canvas (under Files).
# Read the [https://umich.instructure.com/files/23708233/download?download_frd=1 Interviewing for Insights] on Canvas (under Files).
# Prepare, and bring to class, three to five questions in each of the following categories to ask your professor to learn more about your problem statement:   
# Prepare, and bring to class, three to five questions in each of the following categories to ask your professor to learn more about your [[Ideal enforcement|problem statement]]:   
## Descriptive (Broad, Open, Evokes Storytelling)
## Descriptive (Broad, Open, Evokes Storytelling)
## Structural (Specific, In-depth, Use to Categorize)
## Structural (Specific, In-depth, Use to Categorize)
## Contrast (Clarity, Understand Relationships, Understand How Terms Are Used)
## Contrast (Clarity, Understand Relationships, Understand How Terms Are Used)
# Research our general topic (automated and private enforcement) in preparation for class five: Identify information, resources, and experts within your discipline.
# In preparation for class four, research our [[Ideal enforcement|general topic]] and identify information, sources, experts, missing voices, questions, and next steps. These should be principally (though not necessarily exclusively) within your discipline. You may work individually or in an intradisciplinary group of your choice.
== February 2nd: Class 3 ==
== February 2nd: Class 3 ==
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# Watch the [https://umich.instructure.com/files/23719876/download?download_frd=1 Ecosystem Mapping video] on Canvas (under Files).
# Watch the [https://umich.instructure.com/files/23719876/download?download_frd=1 Ecosystem Mapping video] on Canvas (under Files).
# Complete the first version of your Ecosystem Map on Mural.
# Complete the first version of your Ecosystem Map on Mural.
# Complete the entire "Social Identities, Power, and Privilege" module of [https://online.umich.edu/courses/community-engagement-collaborating-for-change/ Collaborating for Change]. You will likely need to register for edX using your U-M credentials; click the "Free Access" U-M logo button at the top of your screen on the MOOC landing page. You do not need to pay to access the MOOC: If a popup with the notification "pursue a verified certificate" appears on your screen while you are completing the MOOC sections, just click on "Back to course" at the top of your screen and continue through the sections. You do ''not'' need to "upgrade for $49" to complete this assignment.
# Complete the first four pages under "Social Identities" within the "Social Identities, Power, and Privilege" module of [https://online.umich.edu/courses/community-engagement-collaborating-for-change/ Collaborating for Change]. You will likely need to register for edX using your U-M credentials; click the "Free Access" U-M logo button at the top of your screen on the MOOC landing page. You do not need to pay to access the MOOC: If a popup with the notification "pursue a verified certificate" appears on your screen while you are completing the MOOC sections, just click on "Back to course" at the top of your screen and continue through the sections. You do ''not'' need to "upgrade for $49" to complete this assignment.
# Complete, and bring to class, the [https://umich.instructure.com/files/23708234/download?download_frd=1 Social Identity Wheel] on Canvas (under Files). The social identity wheel that you complete is for your own reflection only; you need not submit or otherwise share it.
# Complete, and bring to class, the [https://umich.instructure.com/files/23708234/download?download_frd=1 Social Identity Wheel] on Canvas (under Files). The social identity wheel that you complete is for your own reflection only; you need not submit or otherwise share it.
# Research our general topic (automated and private enforcement) in preparation for class five: Identify information, resources, and experts within your discipline.
# In preparation for class four, research our [[Ideal enforcement|general topic]] and identify information, sources, experts, missing voices, questions, and next steps. These should be principally (though not necessarily exclusively) within your discipline. You may work individually or in an intradisciplinary group of your choice.
== February 9th: Class 4 ==  
== February 9th: Class 4 ==  
''Problem-solving bootcamp in 1225 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or by arrangement with Bridgette Carr''
''Problem-solving bootcamp in 1225 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or by arrangement with Bridgette Carr''
# Work with your group to identify the "How Might We" statement you want to use for Ideation. Put your chosen statement through the faucet. We will use your "How Might We" statement as the foundation for this last class of our problem-solving bootcamp.
# Work with your group to identify the "How Might We" statement you want to use for Ideation. Put your chosen statement through the faucet. We will use your "How Might We" statement as the foundation for this last class of our problem-solving bootcamp.
# Research our general topic (automated and private enforcement) in preparation for class five: Identify information, resources, and experts within your discipline.
# Draft a professional memo to your colleagues summarizing the research you have conducted. You may work individually or in an intradisciplinary group of your choice. Save your memo as a PDF, name it "InitialResearch YourDiscipline YourInitials.pdf" (e.g., "InitialResearch Law BWS BAC.pdf"), and upload it to the [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/discussion_topics/1613190 "Initial research memos"] discussion on Canvas. Although I am far more interested in quality than quantity, I would suggest five to ten single-spaced pages per person (in outline or prose form).
== February 16th: Class 5 ==
== February 16th: Class 5 ==
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
# Read all the memos posted to the [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/discussion_topics/1613190 "Initial research memos"] discussion on Canvas.
# Draft an individual reflection that synthesizes the research memos, describes potential next steps for your own research, proposes next steps for the class's collective research, and considers how I (Bryant) can help. Save your memo as a PDF, name it "InitialResearchReflection YourInitials.pdf" (e.g., "InitialResearchReflection BWS.pdf"), and upload it to the [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/discussion_topics/1613193 "Initial research reflection memos"] discussion on Canvas. Although I am far more interested in quality than quantity, I would suggest about five single-spaced pages (in outline or prose form).
# In your team from the problem-solving bootcamp, draft a procedural memo describing how you will conduct your teamwork for the remainder of the semester. You may wish to structure this as a team contract. Be as specific and concrete as possible. Consider:
## What does success mean for you? Recall what we discussed in the first class (including [https://pclive.peacecorps.gov/pclive/index.php/pclive-resources/resource-library/2325-small-grants-program-me-resources-for-small-grants/file inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts]) and what you discussed in the problem-solving bootcamp.
## What do you value as individuals and as a team?
## What are your collective fears and concerns? What steps can you take to address or manage them now and throughout the semester?
## What can you each offer your team? What do you each want to gain, improve, or practice? I fully support teams whose members seek to foster new strengths rather than merely use existing strengths, and I recognize this will bring additional challenges.
## What roles if any will you assign (whether permanently or on a rotating basis)?
## Who in your group will be principally responsible for coordinating, as needed, with the other teams?
## What tools (other than Mural) will you use for communicating, collaborating, and documenting within your team?
## When and how will you meet (respecting the current and potential health needs and responsibilities of your colleagues)?
## How will you keep yourself and your team accountable?
## How will you document your team's inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts?
## How will you receive feedback on and otherwise substantiate your individual inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts?
## How will you address emergencies, conflicts, and other difficulties? Under what circumstances will you involve me, Britt, Bridgette, Ann, or others in managing issues?
## What is your specific plan, including deliverables, through March 9th?
## What is your tentative plan for the remainder of the semester?
## How will you coordinate with me? How can I help?
## What is your team name?
# Save your memo as a PDF, name it "TeamMemo YourTeamName YourInitials.pdf" (e.g., "TeamMemo DriverlessIsMore BWS BAR AVH.pdf"), and upload it to the [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/discussion_topics/1613218 "Team memos"] discussion on Canvas.
== February 23rd: Class 6 (before winter break) ==  
== February 23rd: Class 6 (before winter break) ==  
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
# Review our [[Ideal enforcement|course topic]].
# Continue your research and other work in accordance with your team plan.
# Prepare questions for [https://sc.edu/study/colleges_schools/law/faculty_and_staff/directory/stoughton_seth.php Professor Seth Stoughton]. (He will join us to answer only the questions that you ask rather than to make a presentation.)
# Prepare your team's weekly targeted update:
## "Here's what we've done, here's what we've learned, here's what we're wondering, here's what we're thinking, here's what we're planning."
## What thing of value can you contribute to the work of others?
## What thing of value can others contribute to your work?
== March 9th: Class 7 (after winter break) ==  
== March 9th: Class 7 (after winter break) ==  
''1025 Jeffries Hall or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
'''Improv+1 (Team 1) is in charge.'''
== March 11th: First bootcamp gateway ==
== March 11th: First bootcamp gateway ==
In Mural, create a new ecosystem process map for your team (do ''not'' copy your map from the bootcamp) and complete the Ecosystem/Stakeholder Mapping and Interview Synthesis sections (even if you have yet completed all your expert interviews).
In Mural, create a new ecosystem process map for your team (do ''not'' copy your map from the bootcamp) and complete the Ecosystem/Stakeholder Mapping and Interview Synthesis sections (even if you have not yet completed all your expert interviews).
== March 16th: Class 8 ==  
== March 16th: Class 8 ==  
''1025 Jeffries Hall or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
'''The AVengers (Team 2) is in charge.'''
== March 23rd: Class 9 ==  
== March 23rd: Class 9 ==  
''1025 Jeffries Hall or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
'''The OC (Team 3) is in charge.'''
== March 30th: Class 10 ==  
== March 30th: Class 10 ==  
''1025 Jeffries Hall or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
'''Artificially Intelligent (Team 4) is in charge.'''
== April 1st: Second bootcamp gateway ==
== April 1st: Second bootcamp gateway ==
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== April 6th: Class 11 ==  
== April 6th: Class 11 ==  
''1025 Jeffries Hall or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
== April 13th: Class 12 ==  
== April 13th: Class 12 ==  
''1025 Jeffries Hall or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]'': Joint session with Seminar on AI and the Law
# '''By Saturday, April 9th at 8pm:''' Draft a compelling one-page summary of your solution, save it as a PDF, name it "SolutionSummary YourTeamName YourInitials.pdf" (e.g., "SolutionSummary DriverlessIsMore BWS BAR AVH.pdf", and upload it to the [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/discussion_topics/1689836 "Solutions summary"] discussion on Canvas.
# '''By Wednesday, April 13th at 3pm:''' Prepare a concise ''one-minute'' pitch (literally: 60 seconds maximum), ''without'' slides, for your solution.
== April 20th: Class 13 ==  
== April 20th: Class 13 ==  
''1025 Jeffries Hall or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
''1025 [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/jeffries-hall Jeffries Hall] or [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/external_tools/25194 online]''
# '''By Monday, April 18th at 8pm:''' Post a link to your team's final substantive deliverable in the [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/discussion_topics/1695802 "Final substantive deliverables"] discussion on Canvas.
# '''By Wednesday, April 20th at 3pm:''' Read or otherwise review all four final substantive deliverables linked in the [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/511165/discussion_topics/1695802 "Final substantive deliverables"] discussion on Canvas.
== April 25th: Third bootcamp gateway ==
== April 25th: Final course gateway ==
Complete your entire ecosystem process map. The Storyboarding section is optional and may be helpful in preparing your capstone deliverable.
# As a team, complete your entire ecosystem process map. The Storyboarding section is optional and may be helpful in preparing the capstone deliverable.
# As a team, create a single PDF document that carefully describes your individual and team contributions (items 2 and 3 of the [[PSI_syllabus#Grading|grading policy]]) according to the [https://newlypossible.org/courses/PeaceCorpsTheoryofChangeModel.pdf theory of change model] of ''inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts.''
# At the end of the document, include an ''individual'' statement from ''each'' team member attesting that "I, [full name], have carefully reviewed this entire document up to these attestations and have no reason to doubt its veracity."
# As a team, email this document to Britt and Bryant with each team member cc'd.
# As always, you are welcome to reach out to Britt and Bryant if you there is anything else you would like to share or discuss.

Latest revision as of 05:32, 8 April 2022

Because you and your colleagues will largely determine the direction (and the success) of this course, this schedule is nascent and tentative. See the syllabus. Each assignment must be completed prior to the class for which it is assigned.

January 19th: Class 1

1025 Jeffries Hall or online

  1. Prepare a two-minute talk introducing us to something (anything!) interesting or important from or about your discipline that others might not know.
  2. Read Peace Corps Theory of Change Model.
  3. Read Questions for the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy.
  4. Read the syllabus.
  5. Read How Governments Can Promote Automated Driving, New Mex. L. Rev. (2016) (part III only).
  6. Read How Reporters Can Evaluate Automated Driving Announcements, 2020 Journal of Law and Mobility 1 (2020).
  7. Read this substantive introduction to our course topic. This introductory draft is merely a cursory overview intended to ground your research and spark your thinking. (You should of course cite your sources.)
  8. Use NameCoach on Canvas to record your name, provide a phonetic spelling, and indicate (in brackets after the phonetic spelling) your pronouns.
  9. Read the biographies of your colleagues on Canvas.
    1. For each of your colleagues, identify a unique question you could ask to learn something meaningful about them.
    2. Identify a question that someone could ask you to learn something meaningful about you.

January 26th: Class 2

Problem-solving bootcamp in 1225 Jeffries Hall or by arrangement with Bridgette Carr

  1. Watch this one-hour Mural training video.
  2. Read the Interviewing for Insights on Canvas (under Files).
  3. Prepare, and bring to class, three to five questions in each of the following categories to ask your professor to learn more about your problem statement:
    1. Descriptive (Broad, Open, Evokes Storytelling)
    2. Structural (Specific, In-depth, Use to Categorize)
    3. Contrast (Clarity, Understand Relationships, Understand How Terms Are Used)
  4. In preparation for class four, research our general topic and identify information, sources, experts, missing voices, questions, and next steps. These should be principally (though not necessarily exclusively) within your discipline. You may work individually or in an intradisciplinary group of your choice.

February 2nd: Class 3

Problem-solving bootcamp in 1225 Jeffries Hall or by arrangement with Bridgette Carr

  1. Organize, and bring to class, your notes from your professor interview.
  2. In no more than one page, prepare individual answers to the questions that your group prepared for your faculty interview. (Everyone brings expertise, information, and assumptions about the problem we are trying to solve, and it is important to document those at the beginning of our process.)
  3. Watch the Ecosystem Mapping video on Canvas (under Files).
  4. Complete the first version of your Ecosystem Map on Mural.
  5. Complete the first four pages under "Social Identities" within the "Social Identities, Power, and Privilege" module of Collaborating for Change. You will likely need to register for edX using your U-M credentials; click the "Free Access" U-M logo button at the top of your screen on the MOOC landing page. You do not need to pay to access the MOOC: If a popup with the notification "pursue a verified certificate" appears on your screen while you are completing the MOOC sections, just click on "Back to course" at the top of your screen and continue through the sections. You do not need to "upgrade for $49" to complete this assignment.
  6. Complete, and bring to class, the Social Identity Wheel on Canvas (under Files). The social identity wheel that you complete is for your own reflection only; you need not submit or otherwise share it.
  7. In preparation for class four, research our general topic and identify information, sources, experts, missing voices, questions, and next steps. These should be principally (though not necessarily exclusively) within your discipline. You may work individually or in an intradisciplinary group of your choice.

February 9th: Class 4

Problem-solving bootcamp in 1225 Jeffries Hall or by arrangement with Bridgette Carr

  1. Work with your group to identify the "How Might We" statement you want to use for Ideation. Put your chosen statement through the faucet. We will use your "How Might We" statement as the foundation for this last class of our problem-solving bootcamp.
  2. Draft a professional memo to your colleagues summarizing the research you have conducted. You may work individually or in an intradisciplinary group of your choice. Save your memo as a PDF, name it "InitialResearch YourDiscipline YourInitials.pdf" (e.g., "InitialResearch Law BWS BAC.pdf"), and upload it to the "Initial research memos" discussion on Canvas. Although I am far more interested in quality than quantity, I would suggest five to ten single-spaced pages per person (in outline or prose form).

February 16th: Class 5

1025 Jeffries Hall or online

  1. Read all the memos posted to the "Initial research memos" discussion on Canvas.
  2. Draft an individual reflection that synthesizes the research memos, describes potential next steps for your own research, proposes next steps for the class's collective research, and considers how I (Bryant) can help. Save your memo as a PDF, name it "InitialResearchReflection YourInitials.pdf" (e.g., "InitialResearchReflection BWS.pdf"), and upload it to the "Initial research reflection memos" discussion on Canvas. Although I am far more interested in quality than quantity, I would suggest about five single-spaced pages (in outline or prose form).
  3. In your team from the problem-solving bootcamp, draft a procedural memo describing how you will conduct your teamwork for the remainder of the semester. You may wish to structure this as a team contract. Be as specific and concrete as possible. Consider:
    1. What does success mean for you? Recall what we discussed in the first class (including inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts) and what you discussed in the problem-solving bootcamp.
    2. What do you value as individuals and as a team?
    3. What are your collective fears and concerns? What steps can you take to address or manage them now and throughout the semester?
    4. What can you each offer your team? What do you each want to gain, improve, or practice? I fully support teams whose members seek to foster new strengths rather than merely use existing strengths, and I recognize this will bring additional challenges.
    5. What roles if any will you assign (whether permanently or on a rotating basis)?
    6. Who in your group will be principally responsible for coordinating, as needed, with the other teams?
    7. What tools (other than Mural) will you use for communicating, collaborating, and documenting within your team?
    8. When and how will you meet (respecting the current and potential health needs and responsibilities of your colleagues)?
    9. How will you keep yourself and your team accountable?
    10. How will you document your team's inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts?
    11. How will you receive feedback on and otherwise substantiate your individual inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts?
    12. How will you address emergencies, conflicts, and other difficulties? Under what circumstances will you involve me, Britt, Bridgette, Ann, or others in managing issues?
    13. What is your specific plan, including deliverables, through March 9th?
    14. What is your tentative plan for the remainder of the semester?
    15. How will you coordinate with me? How can I help?
    16. What is your team name?
  4. Save your memo as a PDF, name it "TeamMemo YourTeamName YourInitials.pdf" (e.g., "TeamMemo DriverlessIsMore BWS BAR AVH.pdf"), and upload it to the "Team memos" discussion on Canvas.

February 23rd: Class 6 (before winter break)

1025 Jeffries Hall or online

  1. Review our course topic.
  2. Continue your research and other work in accordance with your team plan.
  3. Prepare questions for Professor Seth Stoughton. (He will join us to answer only the questions that you ask rather than to make a presentation.)
  4. Prepare your team's weekly targeted update:
    1. "Here's what we've done, here's what we've learned, here's what we're wondering, here's what we're thinking, here's what we're planning."
    2. What thing of value can you contribute to the work of others?
    3. What thing of value can others contribute to your work?

March 9th: Class 7 (after winter break)

1025 Jeffries Hall or online

Improv+1 (Team 1) is in charge.

March 11th: First bootcamp gateway

In Mural, create a new ecosystem process map for your team (do not copy your map from the bootcamp) and complete the Ecosystem/Stakeholder Mapping and Interview Synthesis sections (even if you have not yet completed all your expert interviews).

March 16th: Class 8

1025 Jeffries Hall or online

The AVengers (Team 2) is in charge.

March 23rd: Class 9

1025 Jeffries Hall or online

The OC (Team 3) is in charge.

March 30th: Class 10

1025 Jeffries Hall or online

Artificially Intelligent (Team 4) is in charge.

April 1st: Second bootcamp gateway

Complete the Ideate and Prototype sections of your ecosystem process map (even if you have not yet collected all your feedback).

April 6th: Class 11

1025 Jeffries Hall or online

April 13th: Class 12

1025 Jeffries Hall or online: Joint session with Seminar on AI and the Law

  1. By Saturday, April 9th at 8pm: Draft a compelling one-page summary of your solution, save it as a PDF, name it "SolutionSummary YourTeamName YourInitials.pdf" (e.g., "SolutionSummary DriverlessIsMore BWS BAR AVH.pdf", and upload it to the "Solutions summary" discussion on Canvas.
  2. By Wednesday, April 13th at 3pm: Prepare a concise one-minute pitch (literally: 60 seconds maximum), without slides, for your solution.

April 20th: Class 13

1025 Jeffries Hall or online

  1. By Monday, April 18th at 8pm: Post a link to your team's final substantive deliverable in the "Final substantive deliverables" discussion on Canvas.
  2. By Wednesday, April 20th at 3pm: Read or otherwise review all four final substantive deliverables linked in the "Final substantive deliverables" discussion on Canvas.

April 25th: Final course gateway

  1. As a team, complete your entire ecosystem process map. The Storyboarding section is optional and may be helpful in preparing the capstone deliverable.
  2. As a team, create a single PDF document that carefully describes your individual and team contributions (items 2 and 3 of the grading policy) according to the theory of change model of inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts.
  3. At the end of the document, include an individual statement from each team member attesting that "I, [full name], have carefully reviewed this entire document up to these attestations and have no reason to doubt its veracity."
  4. As a team, email this document to Britt and Bryant with each team member cc'd.
  5. As always, you are welcome to reach out to Britt and Bryant if you there is anything else you would like to share or discuss.