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# Trial court materials in Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. (June 12, 1956)
# Trial court materials in Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. (June 12, 1956)
# Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co., 239 F.2d 277 (4th Circuit) (November 29, 1956) [https://cite.case.law/f2d/239/277/]
# Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co., 239 F.2d 277 (4th Circuit) (November 29, 1956) [https://cite.case.law/f2d/239/277/]
# Jury Dismisses Suit by Brown, Chicago Defender (June 12, 1957)
# The State, Obituary for Sarah Mae Flemming (1993) [https://blackboard.sc.edu/ultra/courses/_1102439_1/cl/outline]
# The State, Series on Sarah Mae Flemming (2003) [https://blackboard.sc.edu/ultra/courses/_1102439_1/cl/outline]
# Recommended: Cameron McGowan Currie, Before Rosa Parks: The Case of Sarah Mae Flemming, in W. Lewis Burke and Belina F. Gergel, Matthew J. Perry: The Man, His Times, and His Legacy (2004) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991008185899705618]
# Dara Lind, This 50-year-old article shows how the myth of Rosa Parks was made (December 1, 2016) [https://www.vox.com/2015/12/2/9834798/rosa-parks-tired-civil-rights]
# Josh Moon, Bus Boycott took planning, smarts, Montgomery Advertiser (November 29, 2015) [https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/local/blogs/moonblog/2015/11/29/bus-boycott-took-planning-smarts/76456904/]
# Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started It (excerpt) (1987) [http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/pds/maai3/protest/text5/robinsonbusboycott.pdf]
## Note The full book is Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started it (1987) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991017631019705618]
# Montgomery Bus Boycott [https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/encyclopedia/montgomery-bus-boycott]
# Browder v. Gayle, 352 U.S. 903 (November 13, 1956) [https://cite.case.law/us/352/903/6266656/]
#  Randall Kennedy, Martin Luther King's Constitution: A Legal History of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 98 Yale Law Journal 999 (1989) (especially Part IV)
# Debbie Elliott, 60 Years After The Boycott, Progress Stalls for Montgomery Buses, NPR (November 12, 2015) [https://www.npr.org/2015/11/12/455670897/60-years-after-the-boycott-progress-stalls-for-montgomery-buses]
# Review of The Rebellious Life of Mrs Rosa Parks (2013) [https://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/31/books/review/the-rebellious-life-of-mrs-rosa-parks-by-jeanne-theoharis.html]
## Note: The full book is Jeanne Theoharis, The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks (2013) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991024955299705618]
# Browder v. Gale, 352 U.S. 903 (1956) (November 13, 1956) [https://cite.case.law/us/352/903/6266656/]
# Jury Dismisses Suit by Brown, Chicago Defender (June 12, 1957)
# The State, Obituary for Sarah Mae Flemming (1993) [https://blackboard.sc.edu/ultra/courses/_1102439_1/cl/outline]
# The State, Series on Sarah Mae Flemming (2003) [https://blackboard.sc.edu/ultra/courses/_1102439_1/cl/outline]
# Review of The Rebellious Life of Mrs Rosa Parks (2013) [https://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/31/books/review/the-rebellious-life-of-mrs-rosa-parks-by-jeanne-theoharis.html]
# Partnership for Southern Equity, Opportunity Deferred: Race, Transportation, and the Future of Metropolitan Atlanta (2019) [https://psequity.org/uploads/2019/10/2017-PSE-Opportunity-Deferred.pdf]
# Partnership for Southern Equity, Opportunity Deferred: Race, Transportation, and the Future of Metropolitan Atlanta (2019) [https://psequity.org/uploads/2019/10/2017-PSE-Opportunity-Deferred.pdf]
# Recommended: Catherine A. Barnes, Journey from Jim Crow: The Desegregation of Southern Transit (1983) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991015360519705618]
# Recommended: Catherine A. Barnes, Journey from Jim Crow: The Desegregation of Southern Transit (1983) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991015360519705618]
# Recommended: Cameron McGowan Currie, Before Rosa Parks: The Case of Sarah Mae Flemming, in W. Lewis Burke and Belina F. Gergel, Matthew J. Perry: The Man, His Times, and His Legacy (2004) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991008185899705618]
# Recommended: Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started it (1987) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991017631019705618]
# Recommended: Jeanne Theoharis, The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks (2013) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991024955299705618]
# Recommended:

Revision as of 12:08, 7 September 2020

  1. Prepare questions on Columbia's civil rights history for Katharine Allen, Historic Columbia's Director of Research
  2. Columbia SC 63, Timeline of Civil Rights History [1]
  3. Columbia City of Women, Sarah Mae Flemming [2]
  4. Complaint in Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. (July 20, 1954)
  5. Motion to Dismiss and Answer in Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. (September 7, 1954)
  6. Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co., 224 F.2d 752 (4th Circuit) (July 14, 1955) [3]
  7. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. v. Flemming, 351 U.S. 901 (April 23, 1956) [4]
  8. New Trial May Clarify Court Action on Buses, Chicago Defender (May 26, 1956)
  9. Trial court materials in Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. (June 12, 1956)
  10. Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co., 239 F.2d 277 (4th Circuit) (November 29, 1956) [5]
  11. Jury Dismisses Suit by Brown, Chicago Defender (June 12, 1957)
  12. The State, Obituary for Sarah Mae Flemming (1993) [6]
  13. The State, Series on Sarah Mae Flemming (2003) [7]
  14. Recommended: Cameron McGowan Currie, Before Rosa Parks: The Case of Sarah Mae Flemming, in W. Lewis Burke and Belina F. Gergel, Matthew J. Perry: The Man, His Times, and His Legacy (2004) [8]

  1. Dara Lind, This 50-year-old article shows how the myth of Rosa Parks was made (December 1, 2016) [9]
  2. Josh Moon, Bus Boycott took planning, smarts, Montgomery Advertiser (November 29, 2015) [10]
  3. Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started It (excerpt) (1987) [11]
    1. Note The full book is Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started it (1987) [12]
  4. Montgomery Bus Boycott [13]
  5. Browder v. Gayle, 352 U.S. 903 (November 13, 1956) [14]
  6. Randall Kennedy, Martin Luther King's Constitution: A Legal History of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 98 Yale Law Journal 999 (1989) (especially Part IV)
  7. Debbie Elliott, 60 Years After The Boycott, Progress Stalls for Montgomery Buses, NPR (November 12, 2015) [15]
  1. Review of The Rebellious Life of Mrs Rosa Parks (2013) [16]
    1. Note: The full book is Jeanne Theoharis, The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks (2013) [17]

  1. Partnership for Southern Equity, Opportunity Deferred: Race, Transportation, and the Future of Metropolitan Atlanta (2019) [18]
  2. Recommended: Catherine A. Barnes, Journey from Jim Crow: The Desegregation of Southern Transit (1983) [19]

  1. Recommended: