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How Transportation Relates to Land Use, Housing, Education, and Employment
# Columbia SC 63, Timeline of Civil Rights History [https://www.columbiasc63.com/history]
# Robert A. Caro, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (1974), Introduction (1-21)
# Columbia City of Women, Sarah Mae Flemming [https://www.columbiacityofwomen.com/honorees/sarah-mae-flemming]
# Jonathan English, Why Did America Give Up on Mass Transit? (Don't Blame Cars.), CityLaw (2018) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-08-31/why-is-american-mass-transit-so-bad-it-s-a-long-story]
# Robert D. Bullard, Glenn S. Johnson, and Angel O. Torres, Dismantling Transportation Apartheid in the United States Before and After Disasters Strike, ABA Human Rights Magazine (2007) [https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/human_rights_vol34_2007/summer2007/hr_summer07_bujoto/]
# U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee, Zoned Out: How School and Residential Zoning Limit Education Opportunity (2019) (appendices are optional) [https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/republicans/2019/11/zoned-out-how-school-and-residential-zoning-limit-educational-opportunity]
# Dustin A. Cable, Racial Dot Map [http://racialdotmap.demographics.coopercenter.org]
How Governments Destroyed Communities and Displaced Black People
# Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co., 224 F.2d 752 (4th Cir. 1955) [https://cite.case.law/f2d/224/752/]
# "The Color of Law" Details How U.S. Housing Policies Created Segregation, NPR (2017) [https://www.npr.org/2017/05/17/528822128/the-color-of-law-details-how-u-s-housing-policies-created-segregation]
# Trial court materials in Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. (1954-56)
## The full book is available through our library [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991006398129705618]
# Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co., 239 F.2d 277 (4th Cir. 1956) [https://cite.case.law/f2d/239/277/]
# Mapping Inequality, Redlining in Columbia [https://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/redlining/#loc=14/34.003/-81.045&city=columbia-sc]
# S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. v. Flemming, 351 U.S. 901 (1956) [https://cite.case.law/us/351/901/1104887/]
## This website also includes redlined maps of many other communities
# The State, Obituary for Sarah Mae Flemming (1993) [https://blackboard.sc.edu]
# Deed for lot in Wales Garden in Columbia, SC [https://newlypossible.org/courses/transportation/discrimination/RestrictiveCovenant01.jpg]
# The State, Series on Sarah Mae Flemming (2003) [https://blackboard.sc.edu]
# Real estate listings for Columbia, SC [https://newlypossible.org/courses/transportation/discrimination/RealEstateListings.pdf]
# Joseph A. De Laine, Sr., Things that Happened since Nov. 11, 1949 [https://digital.tcl.sc.edu/digital/collection/jad/id/632/rec/3]
## The papers of De Laine, an advocate of educational equality, are online [https://digital.library.sc.edu/collections/joseph-a-de-laine-papers-ca-1918-2000/]
# Staci Leanne Richey, Variations on a Theme: Planning for the Elimination of Black Neighborhoods in Downtown Columbia, South Carolina, 1905-1970 (2004 thesis) (endnotes are optional) [https://newlypossible.org/courses/transportation/discrimination/RicheyThesis.pdf]
# Edens v. City of Columbia, 228 S.C. 563 (1956) [https://cite.case.law/sc/228/563/]
# StuyTown, History of StuyTown [https://www.stuytown.com/guides/stuytown/history]  
# Dorsey v. Stuyvesant Town Corp., 299 N.Y. 512 (N.Y. 1949) [https://cite.case.law/ny/299/512/]
# Robert A. Caro, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (1974), Rumors and the Report of Rumors (961-83)
Introduction to The Fair Housing Act
# Browder v. Gale, 352 U.S. 903 (1956) (1956) [https://cite.case.law/us/352/903/6266656/]
# The Fair Housing Act: Discrimination in Housing Based Upon Race or Color, U.S. Department of Justice [https://www.justice.gov/crt/fair-housing-act-1#race]
# Partnership for Southern Equity, Opportunity Deferred: Race, Transportation, and the Future of Metropolitan Atlanta (2019) [https://psequity.org/uploads/2019/10/2017-PSE-Opportunity-Deferred.pdf]
# Josh Gerstein, FBI releases files on Trump apartments' race discrimination probe in '70s (2017) [https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2017/02/trump-fbi-files-discrimination-case-235067]
# Comment of the Electronic Frontier Foundation Regarding Proposed Rule for HUD's Implementation of the Fair Housing Act's Disparate Impact Standard (2019), [https://www.eff.org/files/2019/10/18/2019-10-18_-_eff_comments_on_hud_nprm_on_disparate_impact_-_final.pdf]
# Recommended: Catherine A. Barnes, Journey from Jim Crow: The Desegregation of Southern Transit (1983) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991015360519705618]
# Recommended: Cameron McGowan Currie, Before Rosa Parks: The Case of Sarah Mae Flemming, in W. Lewis Burke and Belina F. Gergel, Matthew J. Perry: The Man, His Times, and His Legacy (2004) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991008185899705618]
# Recommended: Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started it (1987) [https://pascal-usc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01PASCAL_USCCOL/1oceqbt/alma991017631019705618]

Revision as of 09:26, 7 September 2020

  1. Columbia SC 63, Timeline of Civil Rights History [1]
  2. Columbia City of Women, Sarah Mae Flemming [2]
  1. Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co., 224 F.2d 752 (4th Cir. 1955) [3]
  2. Trial court materials in Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. (1954-56)
  3. Flemming v. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co., 239 F.2d 277 (4th Cir. 1956) [4]
  4. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co. v. Flemming, 351 U.S. 901 (1956) [5]
  5. The State, Obituary for Sarah Mae Flemming (1993) [6]
  6. The State, Series on Sarah Mae Flemming (2003) [7]
  1. Browder v. Gale, 352 U.S. 903 (1956) (1956) [8]
  2. Partnership for Southern Equity, Opportunity Deferred: Race, Transportation, and the Future of Metropolitan Atlanta (2019) [9]
  1. Recommended: Catherine A. Barnes, Journey from Jim Crow: The Desegregation of Southern Transit (1983) [10]
  2. Recommended: Cameron McGowan Currie, Before Rosa Parks: The Case of Sarah Mae Flemming, in W. Lewis Burke and Belina F. Gergel, Matthew J. Perry: The Man, His Times, and His Legacy (2004) [11]
  3. Recommended: Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started it (1987) [12]